Friday 20 March 2015

3 Minute Wonder Proposal (Most Viable Idea)


Out of all of my ideas, I feel like a short documentary about Tattoos is my most viable option for a number of reasons. Firstly, they are a great interest of mine and I have personal experience of the process involved of having one, physically and mentally. Second of all I feel like I can get interviews with professionals in this field more than the other topics, making the documentary more factual and interesting. 

Concept Overview

The basis of my documentary is to go straight into an interview talking to someone with tattoos and their views on it. Then the camera fades to myself talking about my own views and explaining that I'm now off to get a new one. Next comes footage with music of the tattoo being done. Following this I come back on camera, reveal the finished product and talk about the experience. Two more interviews follow this before the end credits roll.

For this documentary I would tackle it with an Interactive sort of approach. This is because at points I would be on-screen talking to the camera about my own views on tattoos. In terms of target audience I would have people of both genders, aged 16-20 as my primary audience. This is so I covered both people who have tattoos and those who currently aren't old enough who are considering it. The age range is there as it covers the youth and young years of a persons life, where it is more common for you to get tattoos than in later life. For my secondary audience I am targeting people aged 20-30 as they are still fairly young and are likely to still be experimenting and growing as a person at that age. When it comes to demographics, I am targeting the working class. This is because those who are very wealthy and live very high class lives stereo typically do not have tattoos.

What I hope to achieve by making a documentary on my chosen subject about tattoos is to express my views and reasons for having tattoos in a way I usually wouldn't explore. Sometimes when talking about tattoos people can have very stereotypical and judgmental views, so going in-depth talking freely about my own views appeals to me. I will film in my house, possibly the college and in the Self-Made Tattoo Parlour. A lot of the documentary is just interviews so many locations aren't required. I will do the majority of filming on my own, but will need another crew member to film whilst I am having my tattoo done. The equipment I need is a video camera, and SD card and a tripod. This is the standard set of filming kit used for productions and it gives satisfactory results. The budget for the production is around £50, the majority of this coming from the price of the tattoo itself. Below are the questions I am using to ask interviewees for my documentary.

·      What is your opinion on tattoos in general?
·      What are the reasons behind you getting tattooed?
·      How would you describe the sensation of being tattooed?

·      What advice would you give to someone planning on getting a tattoo?

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